SMPH invites nursing students to enroll in Medicine 809!

The School of Medicine and Public Health invites students from the School of Nursing to enroll in Medicine 809: The Intersection of Health Care and Incarceration:


Course Description 

With an ever growing and aging prison population, the need for adequate healthcare for incarcerated individuals is rising. This course blends classroom and online learning with individual mentorships to focus on common healthcare concerns of incarcerated individuals. Topics covered in this course include, infection control, addiction and mental health, conducting research within correctional facilities, and how to continue care for chronic conditions after release.  


Course Learning Objectives 

By the end of the course, you will be able to:  

  • Describe how the criminal justice system in Wisconsin and in the United States impacts the health of involved individuals, including mental health and community health concerns.  
  • Identify individual and community health challenges for a person once s/he is released from incarceration and propose some ways to mitigate them. 
  • Interpret clinical guidelines for the ethical care of incarcerated individuals. 
  • Recognize ethical conflicts that exist in delivering care in correctional facilities, as well as issues surrounding access or lack of access to relevant research.  
  • Develop concepts/best practices for justice system-wide improvements in health care. 


Learning Activities/Course Hours 

The course consists of four sections: 20 learning modules with online discussions, three or four evening discussion sections (to be determined based on coronavirus restrictions), eight meetings with a selected mentor over the course of the semester, and a final project and presentation. 



Please contact Farah Acher Kaiksow, MD, MPP ( or Kristin Brunsell Merss, BSN, RN, SON PhD Candidate (

This post was authored by Darby Sugar on 12/04/2020.