Graduate Nursing Writing Group and Resources
Mondays 6:00-7:00 pm and Fridays 10:00-11:00 am
November 9, 2020 – January 15, 2021
via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
What will we do??
- Discuss strategies to improve our writing
- Provide feedback to peers on written work
- Refining weekly writing goals
- Write if we’d like to
- …and maybe even laugh a little!
Web link:
…you don’t need a Wisc NetID, just click the link!
Phone: +1-571-392-7650 PIN: 663 790 0175
Weekly Topics Include:
- Goals, it’s all about goals
- Which journal? How do I decide?
- What is worth publishing?
- Writing when no one is looking: How to stay productive
- Tools to make the writing process smoother
- Improving as a writer by sharing your work
- Tackling large manuscripts, or more than one at a time
- Writing when you have nothing to say
- How to write when your thoughts are jumbled
- Strategies for critiquing your own writing
If you have questions, please contact Jenn Kowalkowski at
This post was authored by Jennifer Kowalkowski on 10/28/2020.