Master of Public Health (MPH) is Accepting Applications for the BSN-MPH Program!

The Master of Public Health (MPH) Program is currently accepting applications for their 2021 cohort. If you are considering the Nursing to MPH Advanced Degree Option, please watch this quick video for details on the program and the application process.

Interested nursing students who want to pursue the Advanced Degree Option must apply during their first year of nursing school in order to begin some MPH classes next year.

Mindy Schreiner, MPH Student Services Coordinator, will be holding two Q&A sessions to go over any questions nursing students have about the Nursing-MPH Program and the application process. Please feel free to join either session listed below to get your questions answered.

Tuesday, October 27 from 1:30-2:00PM (Central Time), Nursing-MPH Q&A Session (10/27),

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 990 4683 6523

Passcode: 845135

Wednesday, October 28 from 1:30-2:00PM (Central Time), Nursing-MPH Q&A Session (10/28)

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 949 7344 9234

Passcode: 610995

This post was authored by Darby Sugar on 10/23/2020.