First-Generation Student Celebration

On November 8, 1965, the Higher Education Act [of 1965] was signed; National First-Generation Celebration Day is now celebrated on November 8 in commemoration. Read more about it here.

What is a first-generation college student?

A first-gen college student is defined as a student whose parent(s)/legal guardian(s) have not completed a bachelor’s degree.

How are we celebrating this day in virtual times?

  • If desired, we ask that you submit your profile for us to be featured on our social media campaign! PEOPLE, CAE, and the Office of Financial Aid will be collecting information from students, alumni, and faculty/staff here by November 1st:
  • We are promoting the hashtag, #FirstGenBadger to use on social media to share students experience of being a first-generation student at UW-Madison!
  • Follow our social media accounts to see the profiles in November, you can share it out on your accounts too:


This post was authored by Academic Affairs on 10/18/2020.