Weekly Wellness resources

Here are some fun ways to think about wellness this week:

  1. Try a new recipe – Energy Bites – there are a lot of recipes out there like this, but I enjoy this one, because you ground up the oats, so it has a smoother texture and can be made with just a blender.
  2. UHS Free App for mental health – Silver Cloud – It is an online, self-guided app that can help with stress, sleep, anxiety, body image and resilience.  It is free to all students and staff and can be easily downloaded on your phone or computer.  Give it a try!
  3. For fun – fill out this survey about what you are watching and we will share out the results in a few weeks – https://uwmadison.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cORrmsCMIYF2D9H

This post was authored by Kelli Richards on 09/17/2020.