Weekly wellness resources and links – click here

Need a bright spot in your day?  Try out these resources and links this week for something to take your mind off of your daily stressors.

  1. Be grateful!  Take a moment to write down 2-3 things you are grateful for and post them around your room.  Here is a template, if you would like to use one. Studies show that doing this can help you sleep better, relieve stress and improve relationships!  So, give it a try.
  2. Mental Health – Check out UHS’ processing spaces  They are also offering one for just Nursing students every other Monday, starting Monday, September 14th at 6pm.  Check out the events on the NLC to join.
  3. For fun – fill out this survey about what you are watching and we will share out the results in a few weeks – https://uwmadison.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cORrmsCMIYF2D9H

This post was authored by Kelli Richards on 09/10/2020.