The Badger Support Network (BSN), a registered student organization, was founded by a passionate group of students in 2019 and offers peer-to-peer support groups and stress-busting events that raise awareness towards mental health and well-being. BSN is determined to continue acting as a resource for the BSN community and University of Wisconsin student body at large. Due to COVID-19, this Fall in Madison will look vastly different than previous semesters. As a club which aims to destigmatize mental health, BSN understands how impactful self-isolation can be for college students. BSN allows for students to have meaningful conversations, make new friends, and grow their network — something every student needs in times like today. BSN hopes to provides relief to students who are eager to have as normal of a semester as possible. With this said, we want to share the exciting news that sign-ups to get involved with BSN for Fall 2020 have opened! More information can be found in the attached flier. The Badger Support Network Member Interest Form can be found here.
This post was authored by Morgan Lewis on 08/28/2020.