Summer Access to UHS

Access to UHS during the summer
University Health Services is available to UW-Madison students this summer. Telehealth appointments are available and—to protect the health and safety of our staff and patients—a limited number of in-person visits can be scheduled. You can also continue to communicate with your providers through MyUHS secure message.

Mental Health Services Access Appointments continue to be available by phone throughout the summer and can be scheduled via MyUHS.

If you have a health concern during the summer but aren’t sure whether you need an appointment, contact UHS by phone or secure message. Providers may recommend you consider the Summer Health Fee ($109) that provides health care services May 17 through August 31. If you need help paying for the student health fee, UHS can assist you. Ask your provider for details.

COVID-19 testing for students
COVID-19 testing is available for UW-Madison students who remain in Madison and are suspected of having COVID19 after being evaluated by a provider. Individuals with a cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing–or combinations of symptoms–may have COVID-19. Other symptoms may include: Fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, and new loss of taste or smell. To be evaluated for COVID-19, log into MyUHS and schedule a Primary Care appointment or call 608-265-5600 M-F, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Remote health services
Many medical, counseling, and wellness services are available by phone and accessible online. Visit uhs.wisc.eduy/remotehealth for UHS services and resources that are available remotely, including SilverCloud, You@Wisc, videos, workshops, identity-specific resources, and ways to cope with COVID-19.

In-person appointments
To protect the health and safety of our patients and staff, UHS has limited clinical services at this time. Please make sure you have a scheduled appointment, or call 608-265-5600 to schedule an appointment.

Badger Recovery
UHS is currently in the planning stages of developing a UW-Madison Collegiate Recovery Program for students with substance use disorders or addictions called Badger Recovery. Students are encouraged to take a quick and anonymous survey that gauges student needs around recovery services.

We are keeping the term ‘recovery’ broad to allow students to define what recovery means to them and allow us to use student feedback to create an equitable program that can encompass everyone’s definition. The program is looking for students who identify as being in recovery, are interested in recovery, and/or are recovery allies. We are seeking to understand the academic and social supports that students in recovery need while on campus.

We aim to provide services and opportunities that meet current needs. We are also seeking involvement from any students who may want to help create this program with us. If students have any questions regarding the survey, recovery services, or want to be involved, please send those inquiries to

Survey Link:

This post was authored by Jenny Damask on 05/21/2020.