PhD Student Receives American Cancer Society Pre-Doctoral Training Award

Congratulations to PhD student, Jen Stevens, on receiving an American Cancer Society Doctoral Degree Scholarship in Cancer Nursing!

These competitive awards are made to graduate students who are pursuing doctoral study in the field of cancer nursing research and preparing for careers as nurse scientists.  Initial awards are made for up to 2 years with the possibility of a 2-year renewal.

Jen’s application, Detection and Management of Emotional Distress in People with Cancer, lays out a plan for structured training in cancer nursing research and developing knowledge that leads to improved psychosocial distress screening and management in people with cancer.  Dr. Kris Kwekkeboom serves as primary advisor and Dr. Earlise Ward serves as secondary advisor on this training award.

This post was authored by Kris Kwekkeboom on 05/05/2020.