The university has extended the cancellation of non-essential in-person campus events and meetings through June 30. Previously, the cancellation had been in effect through May 15.
In-person meetings of essential personnel may continue but require approval by a dean or vice chancellor. Any in-person meetings should be limited to only those that are absolutely critical and should never include more than 10 people. Employees are directed to utilize virtual or alternative formats whenever possible. If the meeting must be in person, appropriate safety precautions should be followed.
Note that this guidance does not supersede or alter the previously announced cancellation of youth summer camps and non-credit programs or the switch to alternate delivery of Summer Term courses. If you have questions about which campus policy applies to your activity, please reach out to your respective dean or director for clarity.
The State of Wisconsin has issued a Safer at Home emergency order further impacting individuals’ ability to leave their homes. Meeting and event participants should follow the guidance provided in that order when determining whether to attend meetings or events and monitor for any updates and/or extensions to the Safer at Home order.
The university will continue to monitor the public health guidance as it relates to hosting in-person events and meetings and will adjust this policy accordingly.
Anyone planning events and meetings for July 1 or beyond should have alternative plans in place and work with Purchasing to incorporate no-fault language into contracts and obligations. Given our current knowledge about how COVID-19 is spread, we believe it is highly likely that restrictions on large attendance events and/or those that involve travel from around the country will continue later into summer.
This post was authored by Morgan Lewis on 04/17/2020.