UIC Survey for Final Year Nursing Students

All students who complete and submit the survey, which should take about 30 – 45 minutes, by April 17th will be entered into a drawing to receive a $50 Amazon gift card. A total of 10 gift cards will be given.

Feyifunmi Sangoleye is a doctoral student in the College of Nursing at the University of Illinois at Chicago whose research is focused on understanding how students are able to navigate the different pathways to success. There is a growing body of educational research that recognizes that academic success goes beyond just intellectual preparation and that students also require mindsets, behaviors, social skills, attitudes, and strategies that are important to their professional performance and persistence in college. This survey will help better understand how these characteristics facilitate students’ persistence and academic success in students. The long-term goal of the program of research is to develop strategies that will facilitate the persistence and success of BSN students, increase workforce diversity, and meet the healthcare needs of a changing U.S. population.

If you are in your last year of nursing school, please consider clicking the link to see additional information and complete the survey by April 17th, 2020. You can also access the survey via https://uic.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_b8IvFipg8BCvunj.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to Feyifunmi Sangoleye directly if you have any questions.
Feyifunmi Sangoleye

This post was authored by Barbara Bowers on 03/27/2020.