Good nutrition helps keep the immune system strong. Yet malnutrition among older adults continues to rise.
Read about the development of an evidence-based nutrition behavior change program for older adults in the March issue of CARE Connections, the monthly newsletter from the School’s Center for Aging Research and Education. Here’s an excerpt:
“I asked them, ‘How are you feeling?’ And they said, ‘Oh, I just feel so much better! I feel more energized.’ They talk about these issues and then start doing something. … Making these changes later in life can work well for folks who didn’t have time before they retired to really focus on themselves.”
This month’s CARE Connections also includes a list of local, state, and national resources related to the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and older adult health, CARE’s annual report for 2019, and other news.
Sign up to receive future issues by email on the CARE website.
This post was authored by Diane Farsetta on 03/25/2020.