Professional Development for Graduate Students

Graduate students at UW–Madison benefit from an array of professional development opportunities, which contribute to their academic and career success. There are several programs created by the Graduate School Office of Professional Development and Communications; the Graduate School Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Funding; our campus collaborators; and national organizations, such as:

Intellectual property (New)-gain an understanding of IP, including cultural, legal, and institutional policy frameworks that control IP in context–

Beyond the Professoriate / Aurora (COMING SOON)-discover career options and methods to apply the skills acquired through their education from eLearning modules

Skill identification, development, and planning-offers a skills self-assessment, customized reports and recommendations, and a database of 400+ in-person and online opportunities–log in at, watch video at, access promo pack at

Faculty and future faculty development-advice on developing a daily writing practice, dealing with stress and rejection, navigating department politics, and much more–

Individual Development Plans (IDPs)-career exploration and IDP tool for the arts, humanities, and social sciences–

Obtaining Funding-Various workshops throughout the year help prospective and current graduate students understand the funding landscape for graduate school at UW–Madison, access workshops through events page

Dissertation Writing Camps-The Writing Center and the Graduate School are pleased to sponsor Dissertation Writing Camps each January and May. Acceptance in the program is competitive, and participation is limited to twenty dissertators per camp

This post was authored by Morgan Kuecker on 12/06/2019.