Checking in with PALS: Helping Older Adults Stay Active – July CARE Connections

Sticking to a new exercise routine can be difficult for anyone, but there are additional challenges for older adults in rural communities.

That’s why PALS, Physical Activity for Lifelong Success, an evidence-based program developed at the UW–Madison School of Nursing, is spreading statewide. Learn more in the July issue of CARE Connections, the monthly newsletter of the School of Nursing’s Center for Aging Research and Education. Here’s an excerpt:

In rural areas, “there may be no gyms or other exercise facilities, or they’re not really open to older adults,” adds Renken. In contrast, PALS “can go anywhere, like a church basement, and that’s a real benefit. It also has a behavior change component. There are very few lifestyle classes in rural communities, and PALS offers both exercise and lifestyle components.”

This month’s CARE Connections also includes a profile of CARE Affiliate and Engineering Professor Nicole Werner, an opportunity for assisted living providers to take part in a nurse residency pilot, CARE’s annual report, and news and upcoming events relevant to older adult health.

Sign up to receive future issues by email on the CARE website.

This post was authored by Diane Farsetta on 07/22/2019.