We Welcome you to our One Health Initiative meeting! What is One Health and are you a One Healther? Have you ever considered yourself a Global Citizen? Do you want to help contribute to some of the world’s issues? Unsure of where to start? Join us on April 10th at 6pm to begin working with an interdisciplinary cohort of students with a common goal – to save the world!
On April 10th our topic of discussion will be the plastic epidemic. How can we lessen our plastic burden, save the environment, animals, and even ourselves? We have the privilege to begin our meeting with a talk from both Bryan Johnson, Madison recycling coordinator and public information officer, as well as Stacie Reece, Madison’s sustainability manager. After a 30 minute talk, we want to create interdisciplinary groups and ask ourselves how we as an individual, a community, and as a society can tackle the issue of the plastic epidemic. We are calling all law, medical, veterinary, pharmacy, engineering, public health, global health, education, and any and all graduate students. This is a great way to meet new people, share ideas, and learn from each other. Education, communication, and collaboration are the best medicines.
The One Health Initiative wants to congregate professional students from all disciplines, including law, medicine, veterinary medicine, education, public health, business, engineering, and every and any graduate program. Together, we can share ideas from each of our areas of expertise to tackle the same challenges. It is best when we work together as a team and understand everyone’s viewpoints in an ever changing world and one where global interdependence is becoming mainstream with the goal of creating a healthy and sustainable planet.
RSVP: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/W9JQCB7
If you have any questions, please E-mail:
Brandon Brummeyer (MD Candidate) at brummeyer@wisc.edu
Clara Cole (DVM Candidate) at cycole@wisc.edu
Apoorva Reddy (PhD Candidate) at areddy7@wisc.edu
For more information, please visit https://ghi.wisc.edu/.
This post was authored by Karen Solheim on 03/27/2019.