Traditional/Accelerated Student Town Hall Pre-Survey

As we prepare for the upcoming spring Student Town Hall Meetings for first- and second-year students in the Traditional BSN program and the Accelerated BSN students, we want to ask you for some feedback and ideas to guide the conversations. In addition, our hope is this pre-survey will provide an option for student feedback from those who might prefer not to share during the Town Hall or who will be unable to attend. The survey will be open for Traditional BSN student responses through 12midnight on Tuesday, February 19, and through 12midnight on Tuesday, March 5, for Accelerated BSN students.

Link to Survey:


The Student Town Halls are scheduled as follows:

Traditional BSN, First-Year Students: Monday, Feb. 25, 1-2pm, Cooper Hall Auditorium
Traditional BSN, Second-Year Students: Tuesday, Feb. 26, 1-2pm, Cooper Hall Auditorium
Accelerated BSN Students: Tuesday, March 12, 1-2pm, Enroth Hall

This post was authored by Karen Mittelstadt on 02/13/2019.