Community Supports for People with Dementia Summer 2019 Course


Nursing 511: Community Supports for People with Dementia

A 2 credit service learning seminar
Enrollment for Summer 2019 is open now
Course size is capped at 30 students
Prerequisites: None
Open to all majors

By 2035, some 202,000 Wisconsinites will be living with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias. More than two-thirds of people with dementia are cared for in the community by family members and friends.

What will you do as a future professional, to improve care and supports for people living with dementia and their family caregivers?

As part of this service learning course, students volunteer 25 hours over the semester with community partners on projects ranging from Music and Memory programs, to memory screenings, to dementia friendly business trainings, to state policy proposals.

For more information, contact or read our article on “Making Communities and Future Professionals More Dementia Friendly.”

*This information was taken from Center for Aging Research and Education’s page, Community Supports for People with Dementia

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This post was authored by Morgan Lewis on 01/16/2019.