Attached please find the planned course schedule grids for the Bachelor of Science-Nursing (BSN) cohorts for the spring 2019 term.Pages exist for the Traditional BSN first-year cohort, Traditional BSN second-year cohort, and the Accelerated BSN program. While this document reflects the current planned schedule, it is subject to change. The official schedule of classes is always accessible via the university’s Course Guide. A few notes additional notes on the spring schedule, course enrollments, and clinical placements:
- TBSN students will be assigned into their A or B groups in mid-November, and will receive notice of that assignment from Katie Bleier, Director of Advising and Student Services. Students will have their group assignment and subsequent enrollment information prior to their enrollment appointment.
- Spring semester clinical assignments for all students (TBSN and ABSN) will be available in Typhon in November. More information will follow.
This post was authored by Karen Mittelstadt on 10/15/2018.