Read how School of Nursing research is identifying non-drug interventions to ease pain and other challenging symptoms towards the end of life in the July issue of CARE Connections, the monthly newsletter of the School’s Center for Aging Research and Education.
Here’s an excerpt:
As she learned more about pain management techniques, Kris Kwekkeboom became interested in non-drug, cognitive-behavioral interventions—because “I didn’t need a physician’s order,” she says. They were approaches “that I and my nurse colleagues could do independently to help patients be more comfortable.”
This month’s CARE Connections also includes a profile of CARE Affiliate and SoN Assistant Professor Tonya Roberts, and news and events relevant to older adult health, along with a new list of CARE tools to put into practice. Read the issue here.
Sign up to receive CARE Connections by email on the CARE website.
This post was authored by Diane Farsetta Farsetta on 07/19/2018.