How can professionals, front-line staff and communities better communicate with and support people living with dementia?
Read how SoN faculty and staff developed the new “Dementia Friendly Toolkit: Role Play Simulations for Care and Community Settings” in the June issue of CARE Connections, the monthly newsletter of the School’s Center for Aging Research and Education.
Here’s an excerpt:
“The project started by listening to the needs of people most affected by dementia,” says Sarah Endicott, DNP, APNP, GNP-BC, a Clinical Associate Professor and one of four people at the UW–Madison School of Nursing who developed the training materials.
This month’s CARE Connections also includes a profile of CARE Affiliate and SoN faculty member Paula Woywod, and news and events relevant to older adult health. Read the issue here.
Sign up to receive CARE Connections by email on the CARE website.
This post was authored by Diane Farsetta on 06/15/2018.