Room 2006 | April 16 | 5:30 – 6:30 PM
What is “Medical Marijuana”?
The Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacy Student Interest Group is hosting Dr. Barry Gidal, a professor at the UW School of
Pharmacy, who will present on the topic of medical marijuana. Dr. Gidal is the Chair of the Pharmacy Practice Division here at UW and
specializes in epilepsy pharmacy and research. He will discuss what the term “medical marijuana” means, present current research, and
give insight into how it will affect patient care. It is important for medical professionals to be aware of the evidence-based and unbiased
information regarding it. This seminar is open to medical, nursing, and pharmacy students and faculty.
Contact Lindsey Hoff at for more information
This post was authored by Sarah Jessup on 02/27/2018.