Cooper Writing Award 2018

Every year, the School of Nursing awards the Signe Skott Cooper Writing Award to encourage writing for publication by School of Nursing students at all levels, baccalaureate and graduate. Two awards may be offered if papers are received from both graduate and baccalaureate students.

Award: Certificate of Recognition & $500

Who? All currently enrolled UW School of Nursing Students:

Doctoral and Baccalaureate

What? Paper or manuscript of publishable quality.

Criteria are:

· Student is primary author

· Any topic of interest to nursing (clinical topics, research, health care delivery, nursing roles, international nursing experiences, illustrative case studies, administrative issues)

· Prepared for submission or submitted to a nursing or health-related journal. [Published papers & those submitted papers for which author has received editor’s review are excluded.]

Deadline: Monday, April 2, 2018

Submit: 3 copies of both your paper (manuscript) &

“Guidelines for Authors” of the intended journal To: Kyle Sanger, or Academic Affairs office 1149

Attachment 1

This post was authored by Sarah Jessup on 01/29/2018.