Grad School Professional Development: February Focus on Careers

The Humanities at Work: Academic Skills in Non-Academic Settings
Monday, February 5, 11:00am–12:30pm
Dr. Anne Krook will review some of the most useful skills humanities graduate students bring to workplaces, the academic experiences that are comparable to those in non-academic workplaces, and how graduate students can best highlight those skills and experiences to employers.
Register here:
The Graduate Student’s Guide to the Non-Academic Job Search
Monday, February 5, 3:30–5:30pm
Dr. Anne Krook, a former academic who transitioned successfully to corporate and nonprofit workplaces such as Amazon and start-up company Mindbloom, will discuss how non-academic employers think about graduate students as potential employees, how to get ready for the non-academic job market while you’re still in grad school, and how to conduct a job search.
Register here:
Informational Interviews: Exploring Career Paths
Tuesday, February 13, 3:30–5:00pm
Informational interviews are a great way to both learn more about the career you want and to discover different career paths—by interviewing others. Learn strategies for making the most of this powerful tool.
Register here:
Why Capable Students Suffer from the Impostor Syndrome and How to Thrive in Spite of It
Tuesday, February 27, 11:00am–1:00pm
Millions of people around the world—from executives to graduate students and their professors to Academy Award winners—secretly worry they’re not as bright and capable as other people “think” they are. Join us for an interactive presentation led by speaker and author, Dr. Valerie Young.
Register here:
Versatile PhD: Ask Me Anything (AMA)
Monday–Wednesday, February 26-28 (online event)
Dr. Jenny Furlong and Dr. Joseph Barber help PhDs plan successful careers – Furlong at CUNY Graduate Center and Barber at Penn. Barber maintains an active Zoology presence as consultant, writer and adjunct faculty member, and Furlong is co-author of The Academic Job Search Handbook. Ask them anything!
To participate and take advantage of the UW-Madison Versatile PhD subscription, click here first to set up your confidential account. Then navigate to the Forums tab on the VPhD website.
Mellon-Wisconsin Dissertation Writing Camps
Application will become available on February 19, 2018; applications will be due March 9, 2018
The UW-Madison Writing Center and the UW-Madison Graduate School are pleased to sponsor two Mellon-Wisconsin Dissertation Writing Camps during May 2018. Acceptance in the program is competitive, and participation is limited to 20 dissertators per camp. Camp and application information can be found here.
Coming in March…
Be the “master” of your Master’s Degree: Understanding the Process
Thursday, March 1, 12:30–2:00pm
This journey through the Master’s degree process will alert you to all of the detailed steps along the way so you’ll be prepared for all of the logistical details that come with completing your Master’s degree.
Register here:
Please see the Graduate School Events Calendar for a campus-wide list of professional development events for graduate students:

This post was authored by Sarah Jessup on 02/01/2018.