Faculty, Department Chairperson, Coordinator for Clinical Education, and Program Director for our BS in Nursing Programs: The School of Health Professions and Nursing at LIU Post

Nursing students and faculty work closely with students from other programs to master collaborative skills necessary for today’s health care professional. In addition, students and faculty utilize our state of the art Interprofessional Simulation Center (ISC) for education and research. The LIU ISC serves as an interprofessional resource center for simulation educational activities, utilizing simulation as an aide to replicate real life clinical services. The ISC examines the translation of interprofessional simulation education to clinical practice and its impact to patient care. While utilizing advanced digital video and audio recording systems to facilitate debriefing techniques which maximize learner performance, comprehension and retention, the ISC also develops collaborative partnerships with academic and community leaders to promote and sustain the growth of scholarly education in science, and technology.

Experience Required
RN, Graduate Nurse

Click here


Full/Part Time
Full Time

Shifts Required
Mornings, Afternoons

Contact Name: Sarah Jessup

Contact Email: sjessup@wisc.edu

Application Instructions
To apply for this position, please send the following documentation: cover letter, complete curriculum vita and three letters of recommendation with contact information to: https://jobs.liu.edu/#/job_details/624

Application Link
Click here to apply

This post was authored by Sarah Jessup on 01/30/2018.