Free housing available near west side of Madison with a fully capable, engaging and sweet 98 year old woman, Amanda. The house is on Segoe Road within walking distance to the bus stop and Hilldale. There is room in the garage for a compact car and you would pay for your own food (with the opportunity for many free meals). Amanda is a lovely person. Her signs of aging are hearing loss and slight forgetfulness. She wants to stay in her house but she needs to have someone coming and going and occasionally sharing dinner with her. Laundry is available in the basement of the large house. You would probably have to help get the room ready to move into, clear out a closet into one of her many other closets, etc. Amanda wants to keep independent in every way and she does all medications herself so that burden would not fall on you. Use contact information for any questions or inquiries.
Experience Required
Second Year Nursing Student, SNA, LPN, CNA, RN, Graduate Nurse, DNP
Full/Part Time
Full Time
Pay Rate
Contact Name: Karen (Housing)
Contact Email:
Application Instructions
Call Karen
This post was authored by Karen (Housing) on 12/18/2017.