A message regarding nighttime safety from Dean Linda Scott…
Dear Students, Staff, and Faculty,
As we settle into the Fall semester and darkness arrives earlier each evening, I ask you to take a few minutes to consider nighttime safety in general and within Cooper Hall.
Our faculty, staff, and students have access to Cooper Hall beyond normal business hours with the use of the Wiscard or UWHC badge. Be mindful of your entry into the building, and do not allow others that you do not know to enter behind you. Please keep in mind that the afterhours entrance is a power-assist door that remains open for a short while upon activation – so be aware of your surroundings and those around you before you enter. You are always advised to travel and study in groups.
A reminder that the campus has Lightway walking paths and a SAFEwalk program with a western border at the traffic circle by Cooper Hall. A map is attached. You are encouraged to make use of this program by calling or texting 262-5000. For more information, click here.
Finally, keep in mind the following nighttime safety tips:
- Plan ahead. Do not wait until the last minute to consider your personal safety and your nighttime travel plans.
- Stay away from poorly lit areas and avoid taking shortcuts down dark alleyways or paths. Choose well-lit, heavily traveled sidewalks.
- If you are in an emergency situation, call 911.
- Whenever possible, do not walk alone at night.
- Use SAFEwalk’s services if you are by yourself. Convenient and free, all UW students, faculty, and staff can use SAFEwalk. Note, university guests are eligible for unlimited SAFEwalks.
- Be aware of places along your path that could conceal a criminal (shrubbery, buildings, recesses, etc.). Avoid these areas.
- Do not use headphones or talk on a cell phone while walking alone at night as this reduces your awareness of your surroundings.
- Stay aware of your surroundings. If you see something suspicious in the direction you are heading, change your route.
- Keep your head up. Do not look down or away and make brief eye contact with people you meet. If someone is following you, make your way to a populated area.
- Carry yourself with confidence. If confronted, shout or use a whistle to attract attention.
- Trust your instincts. If you feel something isn’t quite right, don’t take chances. Change your plans or call for help.
- It is risky to travel under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances. Drugs and alcohol can greatly alter your perceptions, reaction time, and judgments.
- Make sure to tell someone your plans, your travel routes and when to expect your arrival.
- Wear clothing that will allow you to run if necessary. If you need to run, drop your valuables (heavy books, packages, etc.) since these slow you down.
We want all of you to be safe in, and beyond Cooper Hall!
Thank you,
Dean Linda Scott
Linda D. Scott, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
Dean and Professor
School of Nursing, University of Wisconsin – Madison
5226 Signe Skott Cooper Hall
701 Highland Avenue, Madison WI 53705
This post was authored by Karen Mittelstadt on 10/24/2017.