SoN Committees – Student Rep Results

The election for student representatives to SoN committees has concluded. There are 3 SoN committees with student representatives: the Undergraduate Programs Committee (UPC), the Graduate Programs Committee (GPC), and the Equity and Diversity Committee (EDC). This year there were a DNP and PhD student vacancy on EDC, a DNP and 2 PhD vacancies on GPC, and both a 1st and 2nd year vacancy on UPC. All vacant positions were filled. Congratulations to Katie Stahl, Yingzi Zhang, Sarah Brzozowski, Rebecca Kish, Emma Nieting, Chayannan Jaide, and Kalee Koju on their appointments to their respective committees. All current student committee members and terms are outlined below.


Committee Current Rep and Term
Equity and Diversity Committee 1.       Salma Salama (NUR), 2016 – 2018

2.       Katherine Reinemann (PRN) 2016 –2018

3.       Kalee Koju (DNP) 2017 – 2019

4.       Chayannan Jaide (PhD) 2017 – 2019

Graduate Programs Committee 1.       Jess Bothun (DNP), 2016 – 2018

2.       Katie Stahl (DNP) 2017-2019

3.       Sarah Brzozowski (PhD) 2017-2019

4.       Yingzi Zhang (PhD) 2017-2019

Undergraduate Programs Committee 1.       Rebecca Kish (1st year)

2.       Emma Nieting (2nd year)

This post was authored by Kyle Sanger on 10/09/2017.