SoN Committees Student Rep Nominations

The School of Nursing is seeking nominations for undergraduate and graduate students to serve on several school-wide committees. Three of the school’s committees have student representative positions and we are looking to fill these seats for the coming academic year and/or term. Our committees deal with important policy issues that affect every student in the School of Nursing, including curriculum, technology investments, programming, diversity initiatives, academic policy, and more. Nominate a classmate or yourself to help the school talk about and address issues of importance to the student body.

To nominate yourself or a classmate for one of the vacant positions, please complete the online form at:

As part of the form, if you are nominating yourself, you will be asked to include a short essay (1,000 characters) addressing why you would like to serve your classmates and the school in this capacity, as well as any past positions/opportunities that have prepared you for this role.

Nominations are due on/by September 22nd, 2017.

Attachment 1

This post was authored by Kyle Sanger on 09/06/2017.